
in Perito Moreno Glacier

From El Calafate to the Perito Moreno Glacier averages a distance of 80 km paved. In the first 40 km the Patagonian steppe is crossed, later passing the National Park entrance,
where the tree vegetation is observed: ñires, cherries, tongues that make up the Magellanic forest. Once on the Glacier, you can see the majesty that impacts the eyes of the traveler, from different balconies,
There is also an accessibility area. The excursion can be done through: regular services, travel agencies, there are alternatives of different
companies, by private car or rental.

On-site services: restaurant, snack bar, toilets, parking, primary health care, and photography services.

Perito Moreno Kayak Experience
Venta únicamente a través de agencias de viajes o WhatsApp
+54 2902 491446
Tour Alternativo
Av. del Libertador n° 587
02902 492-492/ 491792